

With the release of the BestHTTP.SocketIO3 namespace to support Socket.IO 3 and 4, this implementation entered into maintenance only mode receiving only bugfixes.

The Socket.IO implementation uses features that the plugin already have. It will send HTTPRequests to get the handshake data, sending and receiving packets when the polling transport is used with all of its features(cookies, connection reuse, etc.). And the WebSocket implementation is used for the WebSocket transport.

Brief feature list of this Socket.IO implementation:

If you want to connect to a Socket.IO service you can do it using the BestHTTP.SocketIO.SocketManager class. First you have to create a SocketManager instance:

using System;
using BestHTTP;
using BestHTTP.SocketIO;

var manager = new SocketManager(new Uri(""));


The / path in the url is very important, by default the Socket.IO server will listen on this query. So don’t forget to append it to your test url too!

Socket.IO 3 and 4 support

For Socket.IO 3 and up, use classes from the BestHTTP.SocketIO3 namespace!