
In order to define methods on the client that a Hub can call from the server, and to invoke methods on a Hub at the server, Hubs must be added to the Connection object. This can be done by adding the hub names or hub instances to the Connection constructor, demonstrated in the Connection Class section.

Accessing hubs

Hub instances can be accessed through the Connection object by index, or by name.

Hub hub = signalRConnection[0];
Hub hub = signalRConnection["hubName"];

Register server callable methods

To handle server callable method calls, we have to call the On function of a hub:

// Register method implementation
signalRConnection["hubName"].On("joined", Joined);

// "Joined" method implementation on the client
void Joined(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage msg)
  Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} joined at {1}", msg.Arguments[0], msg.Arguments[1]));

The MethodCallMessage is a server sent object that contains the following properties:

The plugin will use the Hub and Method properties to route the message to the right hub and event handler. The function that handles the method call have to use only the Arguments and State properties.

Call server-side methods

Calling server-side methods can be done by call a Hub’s Call function. The call function overloaded to be able to fulfill every needs. The Call functions are non-blocking functions, they will not block until the server sends back any message about the call.

The overloads are the following:

// Call a server-side function without any parameters

// Call a server-side function with two string parameters: "param1" and "param2"
signalRConnection["hubName"].Call("Message", "param1", "param2");
signalRConnection["hubName"].Call("GetValue", OnGetValueDone);

void OnGetValueDone(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
  Debug.Log("GetValue executed on the server. Return value of the function:" + result.ReturnValue.ToString());

This callback function receives the Hub that called this function, the original ClientMessage message that sent to the server and the ResultMessage instance sent by the server as a result of the method call. A ResultMessage object contains a ReturnValue and a State properties.

If the method’s return type is void, the ReturnValue is null.

signalRConnection["hubName"].Call("GetValue", OnGetValueDone, OnGetValueFailed);

void OnGetValueFailed(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, FailureMessage error)
  Debug.Log("GetValue failed. Error message from the server: " + error.ErrorMessage);

A FailureMessage contains the following properties:

signalRConnection["hubName"].Call("GetValue", OnGetValueDone, OnGetValueFailed, OnGetValueProgress);

void OnGetValueProgress(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage,
ProgressMessage progress)
  Debug.Log(string.Format("GetValue progressed: {0}%", progress.Progress));

When a ResultMessage or FailureMessage received by the plugin, it will not serve the ProgressMessages that came after these messages.

Using the Hub class as a base class to inherit from

The Hub class can be used as a base class to encapsulate hub functionality.

class SampleHub : Hub
 // Default constructor. Every hubs have to have a valid name.
 public SampleHub()
    // Register a server-callable function
    base.On("ClientFunction", ClientFunctionImplementation);

 // Private function to implement server-callable function
 private void ClientFunctionImplementation(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage msg)
   // TODO: implement

 // Wrapper function to call a server-side function.
 public void ServerFunction(string argument)
    base.Call("ServerFunction", argument);

This SampleHub can be instantiated and passed to the Connection’s constructor:

SampleHub sampleHub = new SampleHub();
Connection signalRConnection = new Connection(Uri, sampleHub);


The Connection class has an AuthenticationProvider property that can be set to an object that implements the IAuthenticationProvider interface. The implementor has to implement the following property and functions:

A very simple Header-based authenticator would look like this:

class HeaderAuthenticator : IAuthenticationProvider
   public string User { get; private set; }
   public string Roles { get; private set; }

   // No pre-auth step required for this type of authentication
   public bool IsPreAuthRequired { get { return false; } }

   // Not used event as IsPreAuthRequired is false
   public event OnAuthenticationSuccededDelegate OnAuthenticationSucceded;

   // Not used event as IsPreAuthRequired is false
   public event OnAuthenticationFailedDelegate OnAuthenticationFailed;

   // Constructor to initialise the authenticator with username and roles.
   public HeaderAuthenticator(string  user, string roles)
     this.User = user;
     this.Roles = roles;

   // Not used as IsPreAuthRequired is false
   public void StartAuthentication()
   { }

   // Prepares the request by adding two headers to it
   public void PrepareRequest(BestHTTP.HTTPRequest request, RequestTypes type)
     request.SetHeader("username", this.User);
     request.SetHeader("roles", this.Roles);

Writing custom Json encoders

Like for the Socket.IO’s Manager class, the SignalR’s Connection class has a JsonEncoder property, and the static Connection.DefaultEncoder can be set too. A JsonEncoder must implement the IJsonEncoder interface from the BestHTTP.SignalR.JsonEncoders namespace. The package contains a sample LitJsonEncoder, that also used by some samples too.