Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

BestHTTP/2 is a major version upgrade of the Best HTTP (Pro) package. Because folders got renamed and features removed, this upgrade isn't a drop-in replace of the old version. The old /Best HTTP (Pro)/ folder must be deleted before importing the new package.

Other breaking changes are:



var request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("..."), OnRequestFinished);
request.OnStreamingData += OnDataDownloaded;

void OnDataDownloaded(HTTPRequest request, HTTPResponse response, byte[] data, int dataLength)
    this.ProcessedBytes += dataLength;
    SetDataProcessedUI(this.ProcessedBytes, this.DownloadLength);

    // TODO: process downloaded data
var request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("..."), OnRequestFinished);

//request.DisableRetry = true;
request.MaxRetries = 0;



var webSocket = new WebSocket.WebSocket(new Uri(address));
webSocket.OnError += OnError;

void OnError(WebSocket.WebSocket ws, string error)

SignalR Core

Documentation about the new and changed streaming API can be found in the SignalR Core topics.