Request States

All request has a State property that contains its internal state. The possible states are the following:

  • Initial: Initial status of a request. No callback will be called with this status.
  • Processing: Processing of the request started. In this state the client will send the request, and parse the response. No callback will be called with this status.
  • Finished: The request finished without problem. Parsing the response done, the result can be used. The user defined callback will be called with a valid response object. The request’s Exception property will be null.
  • Error: The request finished with an unexpected error in the plugin. The user defined callback will be called with a null response object. The request's Exception property may contain more info about the error, but it can be null.
  • Aborted: The request aborted by the client(HTTPRequests Abort() function). The user defined callback will be called with a null response. The request’s Exception property will be null.
  • ConnectionTimedOut: Connecting to the server timed out. The user defined callback will be called with a null response. The request’s Exception property will be null.
  • TimedOut: The request didn't finished in the given time. The user defined callback will be called with a null response. The request’s Exception property will be null. For a usage example see the previous section’s example.